Medical Devices on the Blockchain

Crypto Digital Health Watch

Medical Devices on the Blockchain and start mining coin right along with this!! And it is a perfect low entry way for anyone to participate in the trending new World of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. With all the COVID-19 protocols in place, going to the doctor is more of a headache than dealing with the actual symptoms. Now, with all the restrictions, telehealth is becoming more popular. 

Due to our connections are educating and deploying a marvel device that also is a Crypto Currency Miner. Meaning it is creating Crypto Currency that is available on the Exchanges. A way to be a part of the Blockchain and Crypto Currency World. First of it’s kind.

Medical Devices on the Blockchain

With this Medical Device , you will be able to earn money by using your watch. As a result, wearing a stylish watch and earning crypto while doing it is a true game changer. You have different look from many others and conversation piece right on your arm. Have a look at the video below and see what this crypto watch is all about.Enroll as Customer or Marketing Partner by going here!

Enroll as a Customer or Marketing Partner by going here! And below is details to help you get going. Also, gain access once you are in for incredible support, and team building “Awesomeness”. Should you decide to join in the Marketing of this.

  • We are launching this with thousands of Online Marketing Partners and are doing so in a method that allows anyone to succeed.
  • Note: If you are part of RRR247 already, you understand this.
  • And If you are not; be sure to connect on this with the person sharing this with you.
  • If you came to this on your own, and are not referred by anyone, follow through with the LINK in the explanation information below.
  • You will be contacted and given incredible support. Not to mention, you are going to gain in a FIRST COME, FIRST PLACED enrollment into a Success Line. You will thank me later.

What you need to know:

  • Vyvo Token is an ERC-20 token on the Ethereum Blockchain. It is fully implemented to create a priceless data streaming system based on personal Health and Wellness biodata captured directly from Vyvo wearable devices in real-time. All done in way that does not invade your privacy.
  • And this is only the beginning of a forward strategy in solving Health and Wellness issues through advancing science and data.
  • We are in a long awaited ROLL-OUT of this Technology and Marketing Strategy for sharing this with the World through our RRR247 Organization. 

Telehealth – Get Your Device

So, telehealth is something that you may not think you are familiar with. But you have been doing it for a while and just didn’t know it. Have you ever made a call to your doctor to help with some medical issue? He would then pull up your chart on their computer. Review you information and then proscribe you the medication that you needed.

Doctors have been using the telephone for years to confer with other doctors. They have been using it to talk to patients as well. However, with the advancement in technology, video conferences have also been a big part of the medical field. But even with these advancements, there was some things that could not be seen or relayed through a video chat. Your vitals and stats. Now with this amazing medical breakthrough with this crypto watch, you can now have a virtual, real-time log of your vital statics. Then you can relay them to your doctor. I am sure with all the technological advances on the horizon, you may be able to upload your information directly from your watch to your doctor’s office.

You will go to that link, Enroll with your Information. Hit Join. Then go into the “STORE” selecting that from the TOP MENU. And if not already pre-selected, select “VYVOEVO CLUB STORE” in the “COUNTRY” Drop Down Menu. This will pull up our EXCLUSIVE RRR247 Launch PACK. And get you involved in our “INSANE” offering.

Here is a Walk Thru of the Join Process for this Crypto Mining Watch:

Your Referral Link, used to share and enroll others to join in your Left or Right Team should look like this:

RRR247 PBS Students: You can copy and modify this very Information (OFFER PAGE) and add it to your PBS.

RRR247 Friends/Family that are not PBS Students: You may want to get with your referring RRR247 member to gain access to what we are about. Otherwise, you can share your direct link. This is a special program, and you are welcome to share this page with them, just MAKE SURE THEY ABSOLUTELY KNOW to USE YOUR LINK.

Be sure to set your enrollments to go where you want them. Left Team or Right Team. Here is how that is done:

We will be holding updates on this LAUNCH during our RRR247 Student Training Calls that are held EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT at 6pm PST / 7pm MST / 8pm CST / 9pm EST on

All are welcome to join in. Just be aware that we have an incredible way to market online. And this is one of our KIOSK OFFERS. And while it is an incredible thing, we are building with so much more. All in a very duplicatable process and System we call RRR247 and Performance Blogging System (PBS for Short).

Because we are part of things coming in the future; we are literally creating the timing and making success almost guaranteed. We win. All of us WIN. Furthermore, we are set up to add more and more success in a proven eco-system of our own to deploy, educate and properly market to the World.

Action Items:

  • Get Yourself In, using the link you were given by your Instructor/Sponsor.
  • Refer in 1 Business Partner to your Left Team.
  • And Refer 1 Business Partner to your Right Team.
  • Then add as many Business Partners to your Teams as you can.
  • Help your Business Partners to Get their 1 Referred Business Partner in their Left Team.
  • Then, Help your Business Partners to Get their 1 Referred Business Partner in their Right Team.
  • REPEAT. The more this happens, the more initial TOKENS you and they receive.

That is the BASICS. Complete overviews in our training. Timing is NOW. And then we build upon this. The World Needs these solutions. We are going to be there to deliver it. So much to gain, so much to improve on, and so many to help.